Mood First Productivity- Big Changes

It’s time to give Mood First Productivity (MFP) the chance to expand and help more individuals!

The feedback has been deeply encouraging. Here are some statements I’ve heard recently:

"This tool was exactly what I needed today"
"This idea has literally changed my life"
"My eyes are opened to ways to honor my mental state"

Within the small communities where MFP has been introduced, the Mood First Productivity tool has been opened 1406 times and counting, offering over 500 recommendations with a 90% resonance rate.

It's time! Mood First Productivity deserves a larger platform to serve more people. Here are some updates to move towards growth.

  • New design and home. The MFP tool is available at
  • Personal Tracking: Track your MFP entries in real-time with an engaging, colorful dashboard.
  • Personal Feedback. Receive tailored guidance on utilizing the collected mood and mental state data effectively. Direct feedback from me offers insights and suggestions for improved collaboration with your mood.
  • High Value, Low Risk. I aim to provide my community with exclusive opportunities to engage with minimal risk. Explore various options to connect with MFP and receive my support at prices tailored to your needs. See Plans Here

I am proud of the impact Mood First Productivity has had on my work and within my communities. I am excited to see what happens next!

Get started here:

Plans for deeper engagement here: Click Here

Achieve, Heal and Discover

A biweekly newsletter for dreamers, builders and creators to achieve (get things done), heal (fix what’s broken) and discover (learn something new). I am a licensed clinician, purposefully provoking security in others.

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