How to Escape Information Overwhelm- AHD Issue #21

Achieve, Heal and Discover Issue #21

A biweekly newsletter for dreamers, builders and creators to achieve (get things done), heal (fix what’s broken) and discover (learn something new).​

“If something is a tool, it genuinely is just sitting there, waiting patiently. If something is not a tool it’s demanding things from you. It’s seducing you, it’s manipulating you, it wants things from you.” - Tristan Harris, co-founder of Centre for Humane Technologies

The internet is made up of “tools” that are supposed to make life easier but, in truth, they overwhelm us. Unread emails, social media feeds, unread newsletters, new Youtube videos, podcasts cued up, Kindle books purchased but left unopened. Frankly, it is suffocating.

But how do we escape the overwhelm?

Last week, I led 300+ attendees of the Second Brain Summit through a discussion on how we can accomplish this. It starts with this concept: Tame the Buffet.

Tame the Buffet

An intensely American institution is the buffet restaurant. You walk in and are greeted by isles of heated containers filled to the brim with your favorite foods. Food as far as the eye can see, from different cultures, and cuisines and prepared in various ways. There is no lack of options.

From a consumption standpoint, going to a buffet is incredibly self-defeating. Any initial hope to consume everything will be dashed by your physical inability to take in everything.

The buffet is synonymous to online information overload.

There are no limits to how much you can consume online but if you try to consume everything, you are guaranteed to be disappointed. There is, however, a way to win this game. You must tame the buffet by doing the following:

  1. Scan, Don’t Consume
  2. Follow What Resonates
  3. Create Your Own Algorithm

Scan, Don’t Consume

Your best option is to quickly walk through the buffet isles and take a mental note of what is in each section.

Imagine a person pulling up a chair to one of the buffet isles and starting to eat right out of the container. That is a shortcut to getting overwhelmed.

Learn to scan instead of consuming immediately. Examples:

  • Emails- quickly scan sender, subject and preview before you decide which ones you will open
  • Newsletters/Articles- quickly scan the title, subsections and bullet points.
  • Youtube- scan titles and thumbnails before jumping into the first recommended video.

Put control back into your hands. You drive how you will engage the content.

Consume What Resonates

Don’t just eat any old garbage because it’s available. Start with what resonates! Delete, block, unsubscribe anything that no longer interests you. If it sparks no joy…it goes.

“When something resonates with us, it is our emotion-based, intuitive mind telling us it is interesting before our logical mind can explain why” - Tiago Forte, Building a Second Brain

To properly navigate the overwhelm of online content, you must follow your heart. You are going to be more satisfied by riding your streams of interest rather than chasing the elusive feeling of “enough” content.

Create your own Algorithm

I am a huge proponent of read later apps. These are applications that allow you to save online content for later consumption.

I am currently using Reader but I’ve also used other apps like Instapapter and Pocket.

Here is the rule I give myself: I can consume any information I want, BUT I can only consume it within my read later app.

This allows me to ride the biochemical and emotional highs of the discovery process without cutting it off by going deep into an article too early.

My read later app is my personal feed of the most fascinating articles, videos, tweets, and newsletters that is unmatched by the google algorithm. I’ve effectively created a space that resonates with me and leaves me satisfied every time. I only need to save interesting things to my read later app.

Tame the Buffet

  1. Scan, Don’t Consume
  2. Follow What Resonates
  3. Create Your Own Algorithm

This is how you can escape the information overwhelm of the internet!

Side Note: I am living my dream.

Over the next 4 weeks I will be a facilitator with Tiago Forte’s Building a Second Brain Cohort #17.

The course teaches a method to organize your digital life and unlock your creative potential.

I first took this course 3 years ago and created a journey for me to reconcile my relationship with my internal thinking process. It also is the reason why pushing out newsletters like this has become exponentially easier.

I am absolutely amazed and humbled to contribute and lead others through this life transforming course. It’s a dream come true.

The course starts this week!! Feel free to join.

I’m grateful for you!

Edvardo Archer

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Achieve, Heal and Discover

A biweekly newsletter for dreamers, builders and creators to achieve (get things done), heal (fix what’s broken) and discover (learn something new). I am a licensed clinician, purposefully provoking security in others.

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